Have you ever looked at the text messages your kid is sending and despite the fact that you're staring directly at them, realized you still have no clue what's being said? That's because they're speaking a foreign language. Let's call it textanese. They speak it, you don't. That means you've got some catching up to do.
The first step towards healthy tech use in the family is education. Because the fact is, you can't manage what's out there if you don't know what's out there. Below is a list of some common acronyms you should probably be familiar with. Use it to help you unravel the hieroglyphics your kids are using in their digital communication. It certainly isn't an exhaustive list but it's a start. If you really want to go nuts....download the pdf at the bottom of this post. It's got about a hundred more.
And please remember, if you see something on your kids' phone that you don't understand, do two things. First, ask your kid about it. Second, verify it. Do a quick google search. Odds are if your kid is using it, so are the rest of them.
Here's the list. Again.... the pdf at the end of this post has tons more and is downloadable for easy printing and saving.
Read. Learn. Look smart.
Most Popular
1. IWSN - I want sex now
2. GNOC - Get naked on camera
3. NIFOC - Naked in front of computer
4. PIR - Parent in room
5. CU46 - See you for sex
6. 53X - Sex
7. 9 - Parent watching
8. 99 - Parent gone
9. 1174' - Party meeting place
10. CID - Acid
11. Broken - Hungover
12. 420 - Marijuana
13. POS - Parent over shoulder
14. SUGARPIC - Suggestive or erotic photo
15. KOTL - Kiss on the lips
16. (L)MIRL - Let's meet in real life
17. PRON - Porn
18. TDTM - Talk dirty to me
19. 8 - Oral sex
20. CD9 - Parents around/Code 9
21. IPN - I'm posting naked
22. LH6 - Let's have sex
23. WTTP - Want to trade pictures?
24. TWD - Texting while driving
25. GYPO - Get your pants off
The first step towards healthy tech use in the family is education. Because the fact is, you can't manage what's out there if you don't know what's out there. Below is a list of some common acronyms you should probably be familiar with. Use it to help you unravel the hieroglyphics your kids are using in their digital communication. It certainly isn't an exhaustive list but it's a start. If you really want to go nuts....download the pdf at the bottom of this post. It's got about a hundred more.
And please remember, if you see something on your kids' phone that you don't understand, do two things. First, ask your kid about it. Second, verify it. Do a quick google search. Odds are if your kid is using it, so are the rest of them.
Here's the list. Again.... the pdf at the end of this post has tons more and is downloadable for easy printing and saving.
Read. Learn. Look smart.
Most Popular
1. IWSN - I want sex now
2. GNOC - Get naked on camera
3. NIFOC - Naked in front of computer
4. PIR - Parent in room
5. CU46 - See you for sex
6. 53X - Sex
7. 9 - Parent watching
8. 99 - Parent gone
9. 1174' - Party meeting place
10. CID - Acid
11. Broken - Hungover
12. 420 - Marijuana
13. POS - Parent over shoulder
14. SUGARPIC - Suggestive or erotic photo
15. KOTL - Kiss on the lips
16. (L)MIRL - Let's meet in real life
17. PRON - Porn
18. TDTM - Talk dirty to me
19. 8 - Oral sex
20. CD9 - Parents around/Code 9
21. IPN - I'm posting naked
22. LH6 - Let's have sex
23. WTTP - Want to trade pictures?
24. TWD - Texting while driving
25. GYPO - Get your pants off
internet_acronyms_every_parent_should_know.pdf |