Communication is changing in the digital age. But before you grumble about how back in your day people actually picked up the phone if they wanted to talk to someone keep this in mind, at some point that phone was new too and there was some grumpy old person somewhere who complained that back in his day if you wanted to talk to someone you rode your horse over to their house and knocked on the door like a normal person. The point? Don't fight this. Work with technology. It can help you talk to your kids and family in ways you didn't realize.
Group Me
I use this app every day. It's a group messaging app that allows users to open a group and post comments, pictures, etc. in a place where only members of the group can see it. My family is spread out all over the country so we use this app to stay in touch. I have a group for them and another group for my friends from college. Even if you see your family every day, try this app. It's a lot of fun.
Click here for more information and here to see it in the app store.
Click here for more information and here to see it in the app store.
Family Chat Conversation Topics
This app is a conversation starter app. It presents random questions for you to discuss with whoever happens to be close. Some are serious, some aren't. Try this one in the car or over dinner. You'll learn stuff about each other.
Click here to see it in the app store.
Click here to see it in the app store.
A Curious Question
Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses? That's the type of thing you get from this app. From their description this is an app that kick-starts a conversation to an immediately curious place. There’s more than 300 genuinely interesting questions, all designed to make people do that sideways things with their head, where they furrow their brow in contemplation and go ‘hmmm’.
One note: this app isn't quite as kid-friendly as Family Chat.
Click here to see it in the app store.
One note: this app isn't quite as kid-friendly as Family Chat.
Click here to see it in the app store.
Open Up
Another conversation starter but with this one you shake it to get new questions.
Note: it's rated for ages 12 and up.
Click here to see it in the app store.
Note: it's rated for ages 12 and up.
Click here to see it in the app store.
Focus on the Family Conversation Starter App
F.O.F. (I don't know if they actually use that abbreviation but if not, they should), is a conservative christian organization (like, conservative by even conservative standards). This app asks truly deep questions to get you and your kids talking about ethics, humanity, and of course, bible trivia. Whether you subscribe to their particular brand of theology or not, this app is really good and naturally, perfectly suitable for all children.
Click here to see it in the app store.
Click here to see it in the app store.